Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  HD16894  ·  HD17086  ·  HD17087  ·  HD17356  ·  HD17401  ·  HD17505  ·  HD17520  ·  HD17688  ·  HD17911  ·  HD17948  ·  HD17971  ·  HD18152  ·  HD18294  ·  HD18326  ·  HD18337  ·  HD18352  ·  HD18458  ·  HD18473  ·  HD18749  ·  HD18766  ·  HD18767  ·  HD18877  ·  HD237016  ·  HD237023  ·  HD237036  ·  IC 1848  ·  IC 1871  ·  LBN 667  ·  LBN 669  ·  LBN 670  ·  And 7 more.
Soul Nebula (IC1848), Jędrzej Adaszek
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Soul Nebula (IC1848)

Soul Nebula (IC1848), Jędrzej Adaszek
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Soul Nebula (IC1848)



Acquisition details



The Soul Nebula (Westerhout 5, Sharpless 2-199, LBN 667, IC1848)

It is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia approximately 7,500 light-years from Earth. The nebula is quite large and has a diameter of about 300 light years and its size in the sky is about 40' x 10'.

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**Size comparison made in Stellarium app**

Like the Orion Nebula, the Soul Nebula is a star-forming region. Young massive stars with a very strong solar wind blow up the nebula, giving it a characteristic shape (to me, the nebula reminds me of the Estus Flask from the Dark Souls game series). The fingers/pillars protruding from the nebula are larger concentrations of mass where we can observe newly born stars in the deep infrared.

Ha_stars obszar gwiazdotwórczy.png
**Star-forming region in H-alpha**

This is my first deep sky photo taken in cooperation with Jakob Sahner with whom we have a remote observatory in Spain at the e-EyE observatory.

The photo is actually a small section of a larger mosaic available soon.



    Soul Nebula (IC1848), Jędrzej Adaszek
  • Final
    Soul Nebula (IC1848), Jędrzej Adaszek

Sky plot

Sky plot


Soul Nebula (IC1848), Jędrzej Adaszek